Common Interest


Kowtow & Nature Baby

Capturing the essence of early motherhood



The Kowtow & Nature Baby capsule collection is a close collaboration that seeks to offer care for both mother and baby during those precious early days of nesting, long nights and endless laundry.

We know from our experiences as mothers that this can be a time of love and heartache in equal measure, we wanted to try and capture some of that reality. We worked with two Mums who were kind enough to share their fourth trimester stories - real moments, real people, and real conversations. 

Introducing you to Lara with baby Sascha and Ella with baby Marion, who sat down with us in Melbourne to share their stories. We appreciate the effort made to share so openly with us. 


Lara & Sascha

Lara and partner Andy are co founders of homewares business P0ly Designs. Based in Naarm, Melbourne, Sascha is their first child. In speaking to her fourth trimester experience, Lara remarked how supportive the community around her have been. ‘I didn't even know what I needed, but the people around me did, it's the things you don't think about but the people around you know. They have your back.’

These early days with Sascha have also had her reflecting on the people who raised her. 

‘Something I've been thinking about a lot since becoming a mum, is all the people who cared for you when you were young...the amount of hours you were held, and cared for, and the people who put all that time into you when you were little, and how special that is.'


Ella & Marion

Ella is an architect and Principal at Chamberlain Architects. Marion is Ella’s second child. Her and partner Mike, welcomed Lucy three years ago. 

When talking about the fourth trimester, Ella said ‘For my first child, the fourth trimester was one of the most challenging times of my life. As someone who likes to plan and who once believed that hard work could solve anything, the lack of control was so destabilising. I couldn’t schedule what would happen and when, I could not control how my body was healing and perhaps most excruciating, I couldn’t control my milk supply or my baby’s weight gain. 

This second time around, I’ve entered the fourth trimester knowing what to expect. I feel fortunate to enter this time feeling physically and mentally stronger and generally more capable. It’s allowed me to find so much more pleasure in the newborn stage.’

In talking about what the most difficult part of the fourth trimester has been, Ella said ‘The hardest part has been supporting our toddler through her time of transition. Attempting to remain patient and empathetic through her big feelings has been exhausting work. My partner has also largely been “in charge” of the toddler while I care for the newborn. I know that we’re working as a team but the new dynamic feels quite split and much more isolating than the first time around’.


The Collaboration

Our brands are connected by nature and this collaboration blends our distinctive styles. Timeless organic cotton garments that radiate quality, comfort and consciousness. Offering the same care and attention for Mum, as for baby. In equal measure. 

The collaboration serves a dual purpose: nurturing mothers during a time when self-care falls on the back burner, and providing confidence and reassurance that baby receives the purest start possible. We understand the importance of small but meaningful gestures during this period of adjustment, these pieces are designed to uplift mum and offer solace amidst the challenges of early motherhood.