

How to Fix a Knitwear Pull

Sometimes knitwear can get caught or snagged and create a pull, meaning the yarn has been pulled out of the stitch.

The most important thing to know in this situation is to never cut these loose yarns! Depending on the size of the pull, all it can take is a gentle tug of the jumper around where the pull is, to help redistribute the tension and ease the loose yarn back into the stitch.


Equipment: Crochet hook and scissors.


  1. For pulls that are slightly larger, you can use a crochet hook to pull it through to the inside of the garment so it won’t catch on anything. To do this, start with the outside of the garment facing up, and use a crochet hook on the inside of the garment to find where the pull is.

  2. Push the crochet hook up into a gap in the stitches and catch the loose yarn around the end of the hook, gently pull this through the knit to the inside of the garment.

  3. With the inside of the garment facing up, you need to to gently tug the jumper to redistribute the tension. If the pull is long enough, you can tie a knot to keep it secure in place.

  4. If the pull isn’t quite long enough, like it is here, you can weave the ends of it into the stitch to hide it. To do this you insert the crochet hook through a stitch towards the pull, wrap the pull around the end of the hook and gently pull through. You can repeat this as many times as you like. Once the yarn has been woven through multiple times, it will be secure.